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Juliusz (Juliusz Martwy, Pseud.) Lewandowski
(ur. 1977, Warszawa)

Malarz samouk. Jeden z nielicznych malarzy sztuki erotycznej w Polsce. Debiutował jako autor ilustracji do Lautréamontowskich „Pieśni Maldorora” i twórczości Markiza de Sade. Ważną częścią jego dorobku malarskiego są wątki autobiograficzne, które stają się pretekstem do ukazywania uniwersalnych problemów ludzkiej natury.

Obecnie w swoich pracach także porusza tematykę społeczną i obyczajową: maluje o Wielkiej Rewolucji Francuskiej, wojnie domowej w Hiszpanii czy Republice Weimarskiej. W charakterystyczny dla siebie sposób komentuje również aktualną sytuację Polski. Oprócz wielopostaciowych scen rodzajowych maluje kameralne portrety z martwymi naturami, które często stanowią klucz interpretacyjny do anegdoty zawartej w obrazie.

Główną inspiracją jest dla niego tradycja malarstwa figuratywnego XX w. – ekspresjonizm, Nowa Rzeczowość, kubizm i malarstwo rosyjskie.

Wypowiedzi i recenzje

“(…) Lewandowski draws upon a host of familiar references, yet he creates images undeniably his own. Burra receives homage and Eastern painters like Utamaro provide inspiration for at least one gorgeous, glitzy purple scene. It's all rather fun, confident and naughty - like the best sex. (…)
Every piece has a particular boldness; he paints with self-assured and precise vision. If his works are a little on the small side, well, he's young, and grander pieces must surely be on the way as his career progresses. Orgies, bestiality, dismembered bodies… Lewandowski's pieces visit the physical; all beautifully rendered and unique stylish. (…)
"I paint things which make people uncomfortable sometimes, but I’m trying to make it beautiful, so that it is acceptable," he tells me, and I agree it would be hard for even the stuffiest of critics not to be charmed on some level.
Cerulean, beryl, azure… anyone with an appreciation for blue should love his work, though it is frequently offset by hot pinks and dusky reds; a strong nod towards Picasso and, one supposes, the gender binary. It certainly doesn't indicate conservatism. Lewandowski has the charisma demanded of any great artist, coupled with true creative talent. (…)”

Paris Lees, Diva magazine UK, 7th of June 2011


“Julius Lewandowski evokes a dark and romantic past that Christopher Isherwood might have recognized. His work — reminiscent of the German painters Otto Dix, George Grosz, and Max Beckmann — is erotic and presents an anxious view of society. It is as if a treasure trove of artwork not destroyed by the Nazis came to light.”

Christopher Harrity, The Advocate magazine, 10th of February 2017

“In my opinion his work shows the raw and uncomfortable reality of desire. It has a tendency to confront people, or, at least it confronts me, with the truth that what is most animalistic and voracious in men is not shameful, and though people often deny their own animal nature and disavow all things overtly sexual.
The obvious care and elegant treatment of the uncomfortable subject matter makes it very difficult for a viewer to take aversion to what you are showing. This is an important aspect of what he does, as I think that this is a healthy vantage point for the population at large, and could possibly offer a new perspective to people who would under most circumstances look away. In the case of his paintings, they probably won't look away. (…) Also I think that though Lewandowski’s work is immediately recognizable as his own, there is a visible link to other painters like Max Beckmann and others, and this gives his work even more context for those who recognize it. (…) – highlight the similarity between our time and the impending doom present In the Weimar Republic era.
Which is also something that people in general would do well to think about. About what can happen if things don't change. But see, the sense of impending doom and approaching death is still there in Lewandowski’s erotic paintings. It's inescapable, it is integral to his work whether or not he intend it.”

Josef Foshee, amerykański ilustrator i przyjaciel artysty

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