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KOŁODZIEJSKI Jacek | Terrarium

Jacek KOŁODZIEJSKI (ur. 1980)


pigment print, Premier Generations Alise BW 260 g, 47 x 67 cm,
signature, date and description on the reverse,
edition: 2/6 + 2 a.p.

The work comes from the Terrarium series. What is a terrarium? It would seem that it is a wild and natural space, but in fact, it is enclosed, limited and artificial. The photographs were made in a Mediterranean hotel, a place overrun by plants. While there, the author felt he was someplace semi-invented and semi-wild. He photographed the spots he often went to during the two-week stay, those which gave him a feeling of safety and comfort. What struck him later on, as he distanced himself from the photographs, was their illusoriness.

The artist`s main focus is on photography, installation and video. He seeks inspiration by placing photography in a wider creative context. Kołodziejski is a proponent of `attractive art`. He is fully aware of the mission that art has to fulfil in terms of commenting on reality, but he rejects the sadness and isolation in arts and artistic creation. He graduated from the Photographic Faculty at the Multimedia Communication Department of Poznań Academy of Fine Arts (now University of Arts), and he also studied Film and Photography at WSSiP in Łódź. The artist is represented by the SHOOTME photographers & production agency. His works have been shown internationally, among others, at Les Rencontres d`Arles, France; Tec-Tece Exhibition, Arles, France; Month of Photography, Bratislava, Slovakia. They photographs can be found in a number of private collections.

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Dodatkowy opis
Nota biograficzna:
Zajmuje się wideo, instalacją i fotografią. Inspiruje go umieszczanie fotografii jako środka w szerszych kontekstach twórczych. Jest zwolennikiem sztuki atrakcyjnej. W pełni zdaje sobie sprawę z komentatorskiej misji działań artystycznych, lecz nie popiera smutku i odosobnienia w sztuce i kreacji artystycznej. Jest absolwentem fotografii na Wydziale Komunikacji Multimedialnej ASP w Poznaniu, studiował również Film i Fotografię w WSSiP w Łodzi. Jest reprezentowany przez agencję SHOOTME photographers & production. Jego prace były wystawiane na międzynarodowych wystawach, podczas festiwalu Les Rencontres d’Arles, Francja; „Tec-Tece Exhibition” Arles, Francja; Month of Photography, Bratysława, Słowacja. Jego prace znajdują się w licznych kolekcjach prywatnych.
Informacje dla kupujących:
Bidders who cannot participate in the auction in person can place their bids (specifying their maximum bid) on the days directly preceding the auction. The organiser’s staff will bid on their behalf (the maximum declared bid being confidential). Bids can be submitted at the following phone numbers: +48 693-108-148, +48 22 818-94-68.
Bidders can bid for individual lots by phone, provided they contact the organiser prior to the auction.

An extra commission fee of 15% is charged by the organiser on the hammer price. The fee is also charged on any post-auction sale.  |
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22 818 94 68 (poniedziałek - piątek: 10:00 - 17:00)