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CICHOSZ Krzysztof | From the series 'For Modernists' (B), 2007

Krzysztof CICHOSZ (ur. 1955)

From the series 'For Modernists' (B), 2007

photographic object, plexiglass, photographic film, own technique, 53 x 62 x 11.5 cm
described on the reverse

Krzysztof Cichosz’s ‘untitled’ photo installation from the ‘For the modernists (version B)’ series was created in 2007. This is a characteristic work by this author, who developed his own, unique method of creating photographic works at the end of the 1980s. Describing his works, he says: ‘[My] photo installations are an open series of independent objects - made according to the method I have been working on since the late eighties. Every object consists of many elements made from transparent, photographic material, assembled spatially in several layers (from three to five, usually four).
‘Archetype images’ taken from the iconosphere around us: handbooks, encyclopedias, newspapers, etc., form the foundation of these elements. I then subject these images to the complex process of constructive destruction, decomposing them through specially designed ‘rasters’ (graphical structures) into many parts of transparent material. After these elements are assembled in space, they form large - ‘almost’ abstract - objects. The original images can only be discerned after finding an appropriately distant point of view - thanks to the synthesizing properties of the viewing mind...
By colliding the symbolism of selected ‘image archetypes’ with the symbolism of the ‘rasters’ destroying them, I try to encourage the viewer to follow in the footsteps of my reflections on the world surrounding us...’ (after Krzysztof Cichosz,
The technique employed by Cichosz endows photographic images with three-dimensionality. The author’s use of reproductions of well-known works is not just a simple duplication of an image. As Krzysztof Jurecki writes: ‘He operates with meta-narration in certain works, showing human history in a new, neopictorial way, sometimes warning against the threat of war and destruction of culture ('Executed [by firing squad]...'). The subject matter of later works was dedicated to symbols of contemporary pop culture (Marilyn Monroe, Andy Warhol) as well as to the culture-generating role of cinema. The ‘Hybrid portraits’ exhibition took place in 2002, where he presented computer-generated, unreal portraits of randomly assembled fragments of the faces of nine ancient philosophers. The raster based on the code of the computer’s text editor plays an important role, as in all works of this type’ (Krzysztof Jurecki, Krzysztof J. Cichosz,, 2004).

Additional Charge Details:
- In addition to the hammer price, the successful bidder agrees to pay us a buyer's premium on the hammer price of each lot sold. On all lots we charge 18 %.
- To this lot we apply 'artist's resale right' ('droit de suite') fee. Royalties are calculated using a sliding scale of percentages of the hammer price.

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Dodatkowy opis
Nota biograficzna:
CICHOSZ Krzysztof
Urodzony w 1955 r. w Łodzi. Edukacja: 1985 - 1989 Wyższe Studium Fotografii w Warszawie; 1999 - 2002 Akademia Sztuk Pięknych w Poznaniu, Wydział Komunikacji Medialnej; 2004 - tytuł doktora sztuki w specjalności artystycznej fotografia (PWSFTviT). Twórczość w zakresie fotografii dokumentalnej, socjologicznej i kreacyjnej oraz mediów elektronicznych. Bierze udział w wielu wystawach w kraju i zagranicą; jest laureatem kilku nagród za działalność artystyczną i popularyzatorską.
Jest pomyśłodawcą i kuratorem Galerii FF (Forum Fotografii) działającej w Łodzi od 1983 r., aktualnie w Łódzkim Domu Kultury.
Był kuratorem kilku wystaw zbiorowych. Pracuje jako wykładowca na Wyższej Szkole Filmowej, Telewizyjnej i Teatralnej w Łodzi. Jest członkiem Związku Polskich Artystów Fotografików.
Informacje dla kupujących:

Bidders who cannot participate in the auction in person can place their bids (specifying their maximum bid) on the days directly preceding the auction. The organiser’s staff will bid on their behalf (the maximum declared bid being confidential). Bids can be submitted at the following phone numbers: +48 506 122 445, +48 22 818 94 68.
Bidders can bid for individual lots by phone, provided they contact the organiser prior to the auction.  |
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