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PAWELA Laura | Bitchies, 2004

Laura PAWELA (ur. 1977)

Bitchies, 2004

a set of 14 photographs and 6 plexiglasses (size of a plexiglass: 40 x 60 cm), pigment print, 28 x 37.5 cm
signed and dated on the reverse: 'LAURA PAWELA | 2004'

The artist has found and photographed comments on women written on bus stops, trains, and in other public places. She has stated that those shown at the exhibition were the ‘weakest’ ones, still, there are many very offensive swear words there. What is the function of those texts? Are they a manifestation? Where are they so obscene and aggressive? Who is their addressee? Is a flower given on March 8 a payment for the acquiescence in the face of insults throughout the year? 'For the artist, they are primarily a document of the manner in which people think about women and a proof of cultural contrasts. I was the most intrigued by the use of an invective in a diminutive, almost affectionate form: 'Hello, little bitches!' Did some enamored man actually want to offend and compliment women at the same time? That project required becoming more sensitive to exceptionally absurd communication situations in which there was neither a sender nor a receiver. Although inscriptions of that kind are not rare in our environment, few people admit to having written them. (I have always read with interest the invocations in the toilets of the university library, surprised at the floweriness of the language of intellectuals, much richer, by the way, than the language in Laura’s photographs). What is more, passers-by are completely indifferent to those highly aggressive inscriptions.' MONIKA BRANICKA, CO 'LUDZIE MOWIA' CZYLI HISTORIA PEWNYCH NIEPOROZUMIEN NA LINII SZTUKA-ZYCIE, 'OBIEG' [MONIKA BRANICKA, WHAT 'PEOPLE SAY', THAT IS, A STORY OF SOME MISUNDERSTANDINGS BETWEEN ART AND LIFE, 'OBIEG'

- In addition to the hammer price, the successful bidder agrees to pay us a buyer's premium on the hammer price of each lot sold. On all lots we charge 18 % of the hammer price.
- To this lot we apply 'artist's resale right' ('droit de suite') fee. Royalties are calculated using a sliding scale of percentages of the hammer price.

cena wywoławcza: Informacja dostępna po wykupieniu abonamentu

Szczegółowe informacje o aukcji, na której licytowany był ten obiekt dostępne są po wykupieniu abonemantu.
Dodatkowy opis
Nota biograficzna:
ur.24.06.1977r w Rybniku
mieszka i pracuje w Warszawie

1997-2000 - Instytut Sztuki , Uniwersytet Opolski, Opole
1999-2004- rzeżba, Akademia Sztuk Pięknych, Wrocław (dyplom u prof.Leona Podsiadłego)

2005 - Centre Européen d'Actions Artistiques Contemporaines (CEAAC), Strasbourg , Francja
2008 - RESIDENCIA CORAZÓN, La Plata, Argetyna

1997-2000 studia Instytut Sztuki Uniwersytetu Opolskiego
VI.2000- dyplom licencjacki Wychowanie Plastyczne UO (rzeźba u prof. Leona Podsiadłego )
XII.2002- Europa Akademie Isny/Niemcy
1999-2004- studia na kierunku rzeźba ASP Wrocław, dyplom 2004 z rzeźby (pracownia prof.Leona Podsiadłego)
Informacje dla kupujących:

Bidders who cannot participate in the auction in person can place their bids (specifying their maximum bid) on the days directly preceding the auction. The organiser’s staff will bid on their behalf (the maximum declared bid being confidential). Bids can be submitted at the following phone numbers: +48 506 122 445, +48 22 818 94 68.
Bidders can bid for individual lots by phone, provided they contact the organiser prior to the auction.  |
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22 818 94 68 (poniedziałek - piątek: 10:00 - 17:00)