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KUSZELA Maciej | The Eighth Day from the Cities and Gardens series

Maciej KUSZELA (ur. 1956)

The Eighth Day from the Cities and Gardens series

pigment print, Canson Infinity Edition Etching Rag 310 g, 40 x 48.6 cm,
signature, date and description on the front, Digigraphie dry stamp,
edition: 2/20 + 3 a.p. (this size)

The Cities and Gardens series includes portraits, interiors, architecture, gardens and landscapes. To create them, the author employs a range of negative process manipulations. The resulting photographs tell stories about the passing of time, fragility of existence and even death (the process has never been completed, which means one day they will vanish completely). Some of them are narratives about the world, which seems to be one great mystery, or show an intriguing interaction between shapes.
Exhibitions: Stara Galeria ZPAF, Warsaw; Skene Gallery, Jelenia Góra;, Elmshorn (Germany); Photoalouest Festival, Rennes (France); MS Gallery, Stanisław Staszic Museum, Piła; Poland Now, Photomonth in Cracow; Metamorphoses of Photography, 10 Gallery, Brno (Czech Republic); Visible - Invisible, 3rd Biennale of Photography, Poznań.
Publications: Pozytyw No. 3/2005; Fotografia quarterly No. 34/2010; Private Spaces album, Wielkopolski Branch Office of ZPAF (2011).

Maciej Kuszela specialises in "photographic domestication" of urban landscape. He completed ZPAF Photography School in Warsaw (1994). Member of ZPAF since 1994. Major individual exhibitions: Cities and Gardens, Photo a l`Ouest Festival, Rennes, France (2008); Photography,, Elmshorn, Germany (2010); Cities and Gardens, Stara Galeria SPAF, Warsaw (2011). Major group exhibitions: The Eight, ZPAF, Łódź, Vilnius, Warsaw, Algiers (2005-2006); 2nd Photo-document Festival, Poznań, Warsaw (2009-2010); Stories from the Borderland - (Non)Presence, NN Gallery, Lublin (2011); 7th Photography Biennial Poznań (2011). Works in private collections.

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Dodatkowy opis
Nota biograficzna:
Zajmuje się fotograficznym oswajaniem krajobrazu miejskiego. Absolwent Wyższego Studium Fotografii ZPAF w Warszawie (1994). Od 1995 r. członek ZPAF. Ważniejsze wystawy indywidualne: „Miasta i ogrody” Festiwal „Photoalouest”, Rennes, Francja (2008); „Fotografia”, Elmshorn, Niemcy (2010); „Miasta i ogrody” Stara Galeria ZPAF, Warszawa (2011). Ważniejsze wystawy zbiorowe: „Ośmiu” ZPAF, Łódź, Wilno, Warszawa, Algier (2005-2006); 2. Festiwal Fotodokumentu, Poznań, Warszawa (2009-2010); „Opowieści z pogranicza – (nie)obecność” Galeria NN, Lublin (2011); 7. Biennale Fotografii, Poznań (2011). Prace w zbiorach prywatnych.
Informacje dla kupujących:
Bidders who cannot participate in the auction in person can place their bids (specifying their maximum bid) on the days directly preceding the auction. The organiser’s staff will bid on their behalf (the maximum declared bid being confidential). Bids can be submitted at the following phone numbers: +48 693-108-148, +48 22 818-94-68.
Bidders can bid for individual lots by phone, provided they contact the organiser prior to the auction.

An extra commission fee of 15% is charged by the organiser on the hammer price. The fee is also charged on any post-auction sale.  |
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