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NATALIA LL (Natalia Lach-Lachowicz) | The Energy of Space - Installation, 1992

(Natalia Lach-Lachowicz) NATALIA LL (1937 - 2022)

The Energy of Space - Installation, 1992

gelatin silver print on Baryta paper, 10 x 22.8 cm
described on the reverse: 'NATALIA LL | Energia przestrzeni - instalacji | kadr z filmu | Andrzeja Sapiji | 1992 r.'

During the years 1957-63, she studied at the National Higher School of Plastic Arts in Wroclaw. In 1970, she founded the Permafo group and art gallery together with Zbigniew Dlubak, Andrzej Lachowicz and Antoni Dzieduszycki, which was active until the 80s. The gallery was one of the most important links in artistic photomedialism. It has been linked to the international feminist art movement since 1975. In 1976, her work titled Consumption Art was on the cover of the international ‘Flash art’ magazine. She received a scholarship from the Kosciuszko Foundation in New York in 1977. During the years 1978-95, she performed the function of commissioner, then Vice-chairman of the International Drawing Triennale in Wroclaw. In 1991, she received a scholarship from Verein Kulturkontakte in Vienna, and a scholarship from Pro-Helvetia in 1994. A member of the Association of Polish Art Photographers since 1964. In May 2007, she was distinguished with the ‘Gloria Artis In Service of Culture’ Silver Medal, and she received the Katarzyna Kobro Award in 2013. She mainly uses photography and video in her work, but she also makes paintings and drawings.

Additional Charge Details:
- In addition to the hammer price, the successful bidder agrees to pay us a buyer's premium on the hammer price of each lot sold. On all lots we charge 18 %.
- To this lot we apply 'artist's resale right' ('droit de suite') fee. Royalties are calculated using a sliding scale of percentages of the hammer price.

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Nota biograficzna:
NATALIA LL (Natalia Lach-Lachowicz)

W latach 1957-1963 studiowała w Państwowej Wyższej Szkole Sztuk Plastycznych we Wrocławiu pod kierunkiem prof. Stanisława Dawskiego, w 1963 r. uzyskała dyplom. Zajmuje się malarstwem, fotografią, rysunkiem sztuką performance i wideo. W 1970 r. była współzałożycielką Galerii Permafo we Wrocławiu. Od 1975 r. włączyła się do międzynarodowego ruchu sztuki feministycznej, brała udział w licznych sympozjach i wystawach. w latach 1978-81 pełniła funkcję komisarza I i II Międzynarodowego Triennale Rysunku we Wrocławiu, a w latach 1989- 1995 była wiceprzewodniczącą IV i VI Triennale. Stypendystka Fundacji Kościuszkowskiej w Nowym Jorku (1977), "Verein Kulturkontakte" w Wiedniu (1991) oraz Pro-Helvetia w Szwajcarii (1994).

Informacje dla kupujących:

Bidders who cannot participate in the auction in person can place their bids (specifying their maximum bid) on the days directly preceding the auction. The organiser’s staff will bid on their behalf (the maximum declared bid being confidential). Bids can be submitted at the following phone numbers: +48 506 122 445, +48 22 818 94 68.
Bidders can bid for individual lots by phone, provided they contact the organiser prior to the auction.  |
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