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RYDET Zofia | Maternity

Zofia RYDET (1911-1997)


photomontage, gelatin silver print, 39.5 x 30 cm,
description and author`s stamp on the reverse,
edition: unspecified
vintage print

The theme of maternity and expectations often recur in the later works of Rydet, primarily in her series of photomontages. The artist worked on the Maternity series between 1975 and 1979. It was published in the album entitled The World of Feelings and Imagination of Zofia Rydet, KAW, Warsaw (1979).
Selected exhibitions of the series: Zofia Rydet. Photographs, Museum of Art, Łódź (1999); Zofia Rydet. Sentimental Photomontage, Asymetria Gallery, Warsaw (2008).

Graduate of the School of Rural Management in Snopkovo near Lviv. Rydet became interested in photography in the mid 1950s. She probably took her first photographs under the influence of her elder brother, Tadeusz. She was linked to the Gliwice Photographic Society and drew inspiration from reportage and modern photography (inter alia, Jerzy Lewczyński and Zdzisław Beksiński), portrait photography and macro photography. Using the photographic medium, she tried to create an image of society, in particular the rural community. She extracted dignity from every-day life; the heroes of her works are ordinary people, who grow to the rank of central figures, creators of their own world. Major series: The Little Ones, Time of Passing, The World of Feelings and Imagination, Presence, Sociological Record - the most important and bulky project.

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Dodatkowy opis
Nota biograficzna:

Absolwentka Szkoły Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Snopkowie pod Lwowem. Fotografią zainteresowała się w połowie lat 50. Pierwsze zdjęcia wykonała prawdopodobnie pod wpływem starszego brata, Tadeusza. Była związana z Gliwickim Towarzystwem Fotograficznym. Czerpała inspiracje z reportażu i fotografii nowoczesnej [ Jerzego Lewczyńskiego i Zdzisława Beksińskiego], portretowej, makrofotografii. Próbowała przy pomocy fotografii stworzyć obraz społeczeństwa, przede wszystkim wiejskiego. Z codzienności wydobywała dostojeństwo, bohater prac - zwykły człowiek urastał do rangi centralnej postaci, kreatora własnego świata.
Za swą mistrzynię w twórczości uważa ją fotograf Wojciech Prażmowski.

Informacje dla kupujących:
Bidders who cannot participate in the auction in person can place their bids (specifying their maximum bid) on the days directly preceding the auction. The organiser’s staff will bid on their behalf (the maximum declared bid being confidential). Bids can be submitted at the following phone numbers: +48 693-108-148, +48 22 818-94-68.
Bidders can bid for individual lots by phone, provided they contact the organiser prior to the auction.

An extra commission fee of 15% is charged by the organiser on the hammer price. The fee is also charged on any post-auction sale.  |
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